Thursday, June 9, 2011


I've thought that all people in the world have already heard about Jesus and the salvation He’s offering, except maybe for the babies who are still in their mother’s breast. But when I joined PFM (Philippine Frontier Missions), I came to realize that there are still a lot of people, especially the Indigenous People groups, who haven’t heard even the name of Jesus.
“Awan ko tokoy (I don’t know),” are the words that gave me inspiration to work here in Palanan in the village of the Agta Tribe.
One day, my partner and I went to Sitio Lacban where we will be conducting a Bible study with 4 Agta families. I asked them if they know Jesus Christ but I was surprised with what they answered, “Awan ko tokoy, ni tidiya ti Hesus sakay anya en mangyari tin munduway, sakay en tokoy bola ay en magmula,” which means, “I don’t know about Christ and what will happen to our world, I only know how to plant.”
I felt sad about their ignorance but I thank God that He has sent me in this place to share the Good News of Salvation. It gave us the conviction to continue our ministry in Agta Tribe.
            Friends, God is calling us to share the Gospel not later but NOW.

Richard Mindoro teaching songs to the Agta children

Abel is doing Chronological Bible Study using the 
published book of PFM by Abner Dizon, "Balangkas ng Katotohanan"

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